Excursion Report – Insect Agency Display at QLD Museum held 21 May 2024

Leader: Cathie Duffy

Seventeen members gathered in the museum cafe for coffee and to meet up with our two expert guides, Senior Scientist and Curator (Entomology) Dr Chris Burwell, and Collection Imager Geoff Thompson. Dr Burwell explained that the exhibition was to celebrate the one-hundred-year anniversary of the Queensland Entomological Society, the longest running insect society in Australia.

The exhibition showcases positive stories of insects in colour-coded themes entitled; ‘Insect Bodies’ looking at insect anatomy, ‘Insect Planet’ looking at the vast diversity of insect at global, regional and local scales, ‘Insect Superpowers’ looking at insect as inspiration for new technologies, and ‘Special Operations’ looking at the role that insects play in the environment.

 One hundred focus-stacked photographs were taken by Geoff and his colleague Lily Kumpe. Some images required hundreds of source photographs and many hours of editing to complete. Geoff especially pointed out an African Goliath Beetle, Goliathus goliatus, one of the largest and heaviest beetles on earth, in the global beetle diversity section. He commented that the Queensland Museum library holds a copy of Drury’s Illustrations of Natural History, which includes a 1767 illustration of the first known specimen of this beetle. 

The display finishes at ‘Insect Academy’ which features two digital interactives; Bug Builder, where budding scientists can build, decorate and name their own animated insect creation, and Insect Sorter, a game which tests the participant’s skill in classifying insects. Following on from Insect Agency, the group enjoyed browsing the Discovery Centre with QNC member and Museum volunteer Colleen Foelz. 

If you haven’t seen Insect Agency yet, the exhibit runs until 7 July 2024 https://www.museum.qld.gov.au/kurilpa/whats-on/insect-agency

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