Club Meeting, 17 February 2025 – Annual General Meeting with guest speaker on the Ethics of Being a Field Naturalist


The AGM involves the presenting of annual reports and the election of Officers to Council. The format will change this year with the speaker first and the AGM business after.

Speaker:  Paul Campbell

Topic: The ethics of being a field naturalist.

Dr Paul Campbell is a member of the University of Queensland’s Native and Exotic Wildlife and Marine Animal Ethics Committee (NEWMA). He is also a director of Save The Bilby Fund.

Laws govern how people must relate to wildlife, and they are especially important for naturalists, especially when carrying out field work. Many taxa including some invertebrates, crustaceans and cephalopods, display sentient behaviour, and there is growing evidence to include these groups in animal welfare legislation. 

Paul’s presentation will give an overview of how State and Commonwealth laws impact wildlife observation and research, and how animal ethics committees operate.

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